Sprint Week 2
Sprint Week 2 on Sept 23
We discussed the tools and team agreement. I learned Trello, Postman, and few tools. I am not used to them for the team and communication skills. We decided to use Vue for a web app project and API for the class search topic what the client asked. My thought about DevOps project and team is the process of development on the topic, so we will depend on software tools for organizing and making task. My team had a hard time making file and folder in Github using Git CLI. Nobody knows how to use Vue except one, although we will learn and practice with it. I’ve researched how to use Vue and Git reference. I’ve struggled Vue project using Git CLI. I am scared of messing up our project. My team and I aren’t good activity on the product development. One explained the example of Vue and showed the coding file, but it has more errors and failed Git. My friends and I attended the ACM meeting club and mentioned the examples of Git and Github. I found the interesting thing about Git because it is best practice before real Git CLI. The link is https://git-school.github.io/visualizing-git/ that what we were given by ACM meeting.