Spot Fleet Workshop

1 minute read

COVID-19 affected my work in senior design project. I am too behind in researching AWS and learn new things. I practiced Amazon EC2 Spot Fleet Web App workshop and learned about it. Amazon EC2 Spot Instance is biggest discount and save up to 90% on On-Demand prices. I set up Elastic Load Balancing Application and enable automatic scaling to handle peak demand as week as handle Spot Instance interruptions. Workshop helps you deploy the following this below.

An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with subnets in two Availability Zones

An Application Load Balancer (ALB) with a listener and target group

An Amazon CloudWatch Events rule

An AWS Lambda function

An Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic

Associated IAM policies and roles for all of the above

An Amazon EC2 Spot Fleet request diversified across both Availability Zones using a couple of recent Spot Fleet features: Elastic Load Balancing integration and Tagging Spot Fleet Instances

It is simple to learn! Lambda function and CloudWatch event handle Spot instances automatic running or stopping. CloudFormation stack is a collection of AWS resource and it can be managed in a single unit. CloudFormation’s template defines a stack in which the resources can be created, deleted, or updated. A template is to create AWS resources and spot instance for you. Spot Requests is to create one or more spot instances at the same time and what you want to set up instance type. Spot Requests do have Auto Scaling option for decrease or increase group size to reduce the cost. Save a lot of money!

AWS Spot Fleet: Workshop guide reference Link below:
