Cloud Computing

1 minute read

February 3, 2020 to February 6, 2020

I learned lot about cloud computing from the lecture in the Zoom meeting. It helps me more understanding better of the cloud computing. I will research more about AWS and features in cloud computing. I am studying AWS for cloud practitioner and SysOps certifications. I want to become a system administrator. I will work on AWS for the future. Today, AWS is more dependable.

In the senior design group, we are doing Linux and Windows Server for our senior project. We work on Lambda and overload server. I told my team; I choose Windows Server. So I will work with Windows Server. Other will work with the Linux server. I have experience with Windows server from previous job and school. I used Amazon EC2 to create instances in AWS. I learned a lot about it. I deployed and installed free-tier Linux and free-tier Windows server practice. It’s my first time for deploy and install Windows Server 2019 using AWS. I never thought about a physical server is not needed. I am not worried about the physical server. I like AWS more than work with physical server, but AWS does cost money per hour or month for running instance. I overlooked the specification: CPU, RAM, and storage. The security group is to create a network and give permission to anyone to see and access on the instances. I put RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol in the security group for Windows Server 2019. RDP allows me to remote Windows Server 2019 that shows me the screen looks like the Windows logo and taskbar. I created Amazon EC2 instance to deploy and install Windows Server 2019 and add RDP in security group. I click Connect button to get an administrator password. Make sure don’t lose key pair from that I created key pair in Amazon EC2 instance creation process. I put key pair in the window to decrypt it then copy the text on administrator password. I use the Remote Desktop Connection program then type an IP address. Then I type “administrator” in the account textbox and paste the password in the password textbox. I can manage and use Windows Server 2019 using remote desktop. I will start working on it and testing how to overload the server. I have to do research more about overload server and stress test.
