C++ Programming

less than 1 minute read

C++ is a cross-platform language used to create high-performance applications. Why use C++? It’s one of the world’s most popular programming languages. I learned Java in my university courses as “Introduction to Algorithms and Programming and Data Structures and Program Design.” I tried creating C++ programming from Codecademy. I don’t think it is hard to learn for me. I already did practice with other programming langauge like Python, Java, others. I just learned std::cout is output, std::cin is input, “«” and “»” so far.

I was trying to run C++ programming in VScode on Windows. It doesn’t work. I googled how to run C++ files. You need to download MSYS2 and read instructions on how to install packages before running C++ files in VScode on Windows. I am not a Mac user. My friends told me that Mac is easy to use programming. Windows is more complicated than Mac. I love more challenges of solving problems.

Try out C++ programming and learn it from any online resources. I am still learning about C++ programming.
